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Menstral Cup

by Mixhers
$ 32.00

Introducing your new match: menstrual cups. Say goodbye to tampons and their harmful chemicals like bleach and hormone disruptors. These cups provide up to 12 hours of protection and unbeatable comfort, even during your busiest days. Give this reusable, convenient, and eco-friendly option a try. Mother Nature will thank you! Plus, it comes with a sleek sterilizing case for easy cleaning and travel.

A better way to bleed.

Reusable and cost effective
12 hour protection
Pull-tab for easy removal
Choose from 2 sizes for a perfect fit
Free of bleach, fragrance, and hormone disruptors
Includes sterilizing case for mess-free washing!

Which size am I?
Small: Light to medium flow
Large: Heavy flow

Your menstrual cup is made with 100% medical-grade silicone. It is also paraben-free and sulfate-free!