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Endless Sensory Fun!

Endless Sensory Fun!

Little Miss Izzy turned three this week, she received many presents from friends and family. The toy that she continually  gravitates back to is Moosh. What is Moosh?! This combination of silky smooth when compacted, grainy when separated, psychedelic magic, that is perfectly named Moosh. Similar to kinetic sand, the difference being; when compacted it  makes a sturdier building medium.


We’ve spent hours sitting and creating animals, forts for little figurines, and simply smooshing this incredible goodness between our fingers. Word to the wise; grab a tub or a sheet pan, baking dish etc… Little fingers are still developing control, the first couple times we played I hadn’t thought of this “hack” and pieces were scattered from Montana to damn near Paris…. That being said, cleanup was pretty painless… Just by grabbing the remaining Moosh and pushing it onto the tiny pieces, it was picked up in a matter of seconds. 
Izzy was brushing up on her chefing skills today, with her plastic knife in hand; she had the rough chop down! Kai enjoyed creating animals and using his imagination to bring them to life. While Nola was busy building caves for mini cave people. I was enjoying the moments of quiet happiness, and the looks of pure joy across their faces.
The Moosh kit comes with ten different animal molds perfect for little's to practice those gross motor skills, and imaginative play. It also comes with an awesome tub that has been dedicated to play dough and Moosh accessories in our household. 
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Amber Roper - May 3, 2020

I love this!!! I want to create with her!

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